Main Publications
The "HIDDEN" Prehistory of European Research Networking is also available from Trafford Publishing's Book Store as an E-Book (June 2012) |
The "hidden" Prehistory of European Research Networking O. Martin, October 2012 [doc], [pdf] |
"Internet evolution scenarios" O. Martin, March 2010 [doc], [pdf], published in the NEC'2009 conference proceedings |
"Where is the Internet heading to?" O. Martin, May 2009 [pdf] an abridged version of the article submitted to the CHEP'2009 conference proceedings has been published by IOPSCIENCE in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
"Where is the Internet heading to?" O. Martin, May 2009 [doc], [pdf] submitted to the CHEP'2009 conference proceedings |
"State of the Internet & Challenges ahead" O. Martin, March 17, 2008 [doc], published in the NEC'2007 conference proceedings |
"The ongoing evolution from packet based networks to hybrid networks in research & education networks" O. Martin, February 8, 2006 [doc], published in the NEC2005 conference proceedings |
"The DataTAG Transatlantic testbed": O. Martin, J-P. Martin-Flatin, E. Martelli, P. Moroni, H. Newman, S. Ravot, D. Nae, special issue of Elsevier’s FGCS (Future Generation Computing Systems) Journal, Volume 21, Issue 4, April 2005, Pages 443-456, High-Speed Networks and Services for Data-Intensive Grids: the DataTAG Project [pdf] |
"FAST TCP: From Theory to Experiments": C. Jin, D. X. Wei, S. H. Low, G. Buhrmaster, J. Bunn, D. H. Choe, R. L. A. Cottrell, J. C. Doyle, W. Feng, O. Martin, H. Newman, F. Paganini, S. Ravot, S. Singh. IEEE Network, 19(1):4-11, January/February 2005 [pdf] |
"Breaking the 1 GByte/sec Barrier? High speed WAN data transfers for science": S. Ravot, J. Bunn, H. Newman, Y. Xia, D. Nae, X. Su, O. Martin; Conference for Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics; Interlaken, Switzerland, 30-Sep-2004 [pdf] |
"A practical approach to TCP high speed WAN data transfers": S. Ravot, Y. Xia, D. Nae, X. Su, H. Newman, J. Bunn, O. Martin; Proceeding of GridNets San Jos? CA, USA, Oct 2004 [pdf] |
"Optimizing 10-Gigabit Ethernet for Networks of Workstations, Clusters, and Grids - A Case Study":, Wu-chun Feng, Justin (Gus) Hurwitz, Harvey Newman, Sylvain Ravot, R. Les Cottrell, Olivier Martin, Fabrizio Coccetti, Cheng Jin, Xiaoliang (David) Wei and Steven Low, Proceedings of ACM/IEEE SC High-Performance Networking and Computing Conference, November 2003 [pdf] |
"FAST TCP: From Theory to Experiments": C. Jin, D. Wei, S. H. Low, G. Buhrmaster, J. Bunn, D. H. Choe, R. L. A. Cottrell, J. C. Doyle, W. Feng, O. Martin, H. Newman, F. Paganini, S. Ravot, S. Singh; Dec. 6 2003 [pdf] |
“shift/BETEL”: A (very) distributed mainframe, presented at the CHEP’94 Conference, San-Francisco, B. Segal, O.Martin et al. |
A perspective on the shift/BETEL Project (CN/94/3), presented at the 15th Speedup Workshop, Lugano. |
Broadband Exchange over Trans-European Links (CN/93/15), presented at the SMDS Conference, Amsterdam. |
IP Traffic Measurements and Analysis at CERN (CN/93/11), presented at the INET’93 Conference, San-Francisco. |
Performance Measurements on the 7600 at CERN (DD/75/10), presented at the VIM22 Conference, Amsterdam. |
Nonrefereed Publications and/or reports |
"LHC Networking technologies tracking team": J-M Jouanigot, O. Martin September 1999 [doc] |
ICFA-SCIC "Advanced Technologies Interim Report": R. Hughes-Jones, O. Martin, H. Newman, S. Ravot. ICFA SCIC report February 8, 2003 [doc] |
"Main HENP report to ICFA": H. Newman, February 10, 2005 [doc]. Chapter 14: "Wide Area Network Technologies update": O. Martin, Dan Nae, S.Ravot. |